Consultation: Mineral Titles Act and Regulations

The Northern Territory Government is seeking public comment on a discussion paper for proposed amendments to the Mineral Titles Act 2010 and Mineral Titles Regulations 2011.

The Mineral Titles Act 2010 and Mineral Titles Regulations 2011 provides for the exploration, extraction and processing of minerals and extractive minerals in the Territory.

Since its commencement in 2011 the Act has operated effectively, however a number of technical and administrative issues have been highlighted for rectification, aimed at providing clarity and reduce administration for both industry and government.

A discussion paper has been developed which outlines these issues and proposes changes to the Act and Regulations. Factsheets have also been provided.

The consultation has closed.

Consultation Summary Report

Read the Consultation Summary Report PDF (1.7 MB)

Read the full Mineral Titles Act and Regulations Discussion Paper - PDF (4.7 MB)

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