New Independent Chairpersons to be established for McArthur River Mine


Three independent expert panels are being established and will provide additional oversight at McArthur River Mine (MRM).

The three expert panels are in addition to the Independent Monitor that provides an audit report each year on the environmental performance of the mine operator MRM.

The NT Government is seeking nominations for Chairpersons for each of the panels:

  • North Overburden Emplacement Facility (NOEF) panel
  • Tailing Storage Facility (TSF) panel
  • Mine Closure panel.

McArthur River Mine is an open pit zinc, lead and silver mining operation in the Northern Territory (NT), located approximately 700 kilometres south-east of Darwin near the township of Borroloola.

MRM is subject to a robust regulatory framework. In November 2020, the Minister for Mining and Industry approved MRM’s Mining Management Plan 2020, which outlines the management of waste rock, ongoing environmental monitoring and eventual site closure, allowing the continuation of mining activities.

The NT Government has been working to ensure MRM meets its environmental obligations under the Mining Management Act 2001.

A key aspect of this involves the establishment of three independent expert panels.

The Chairperson for each expert panel will be appointed to select technical experts to review the construction and operation of the NOEF and TSF, and planning by the operator for the closure of McArthur River Mine and related management by MRM.

Applicants can apply and may be appointed to be the chair of more than one of the independent expert panels.

The expert panels will provide their reports to the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade and the operator, presenting findings and any recommendations for improvement.

The department will provide copies to the Independent Monitor and Community Reference Group that provide independent oversight for McArthur River Mine, and make the panel reports publically available.

The initial term of appointment is 12 months with Chairpersons’ and members’ names and areas of expertise to be made public.

The Northern Territory Government is ensuring environmental values are fully protected across the Territory and has been working diligently to ensure McArthur River Mining Pty Ltd (MRM) meets its environmental obligations under the Mining Management Act 2001.

The mine provides employment for around 1000 employees and contractors.

The Northern Territory Government is supporting development of mineral resources in a sustainable and responsible manner to maximise economic benefits, minimise environmental impacts and ensure long-term beneficial land uses after closure.

Find out how to nominate to be an Independent Chairperson, or to read the terms of reference .

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