New Independent Chairpersons to be established for McArthur River Mine
Three independent expert panels are being established and will provide additional oversight at McArthur River Mine (MRM).
NT Resources Week – 13 & 14 September
With the Territory’s target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, our offshore and onshore gas resources will play a vital role as a transitional fuel in the journey to renewables. Clean energy jobs are the future, and that’s the future we’re building for the Territory.
Have your say the Legacy Mines Remediation Draft Bill
Remediating legacy mines is critical to protect the environment and public safety.
Tender awarded for large-scale wind generation study
The Territory Government has awarded a tender for a wind generation study, which will inform near–term deployment of wind collection technology to gather data to de-risk and fast track investment.
Bushfire management enhanced with EO4NT grant
A toolkit to provide rapid high-resolution images of burnt land is being developed with the help of a Territory Government and Geoscience Australia grant.
Grant recipients of Earth Observation for the NT announced
The Northern Territory Government partnered with Geoscience Australia to deliver a new grant program to help businesses unlock new growth opportunities and investment in space.
The much anticipated program highlights for the 24th Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES) 2023 have been released.
A renewables future is one step closer for the Tiwi Islands with a design and construct tender for a pilot program in Wurrumiyanga awarded to Circular Solutions.
Registrations open for AGES 2023
Resource companies, geologists, businesses and others with interests in mineral and energy exploration and development in the Territory are encouraged to sign up for the 2023 Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES) being held in Alice Springs in April.
AROWS lead environmental consultant tender release
The Northern Territory Government has released a tender for a lead environmental consultant to undertake an environmental assessment for the Adelaide River Off-stream Water Storage (AROWS) infrastructure project and also produce a final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).